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Name: Ruth

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Everything Seafood, Reindeer, Holly and Yet More Trolls

Bergen is definitely centered around their fishing industry. A morning visit to the fish market and you can have all kinds of fresh seafood.

But Santa's reindeer gave up some hide to help the economy. This white reindeer hide sells for ~$125 but there were other colors as well along with foxes and seals.
The sun finally came out about the time that I took the tram up to look out over Bergen.

The forests are lush due to the amount and frequency of rain and I came across some holly. It looks remarkably like the plastic holly we buy.

I spent some time going through some local museums down by the wharf, exhibiting artifacts and history about the area.

Came across what is likely the world's most economical car. The twike, the driver and passenger have bicycle pedals. Thought I overheard the driver say it cost ~20,000 euros.

Being Saturday, there were large crowds in the streets. Bergen is a busy, and beautiful place, but the waterfront is definitely my favorite.

And yes, troll imposters continue to welcome me.

Tomorrow I head out on a day trip out to the fjords. Hoping for good weather and lots of scenery.


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